The ave­rage re­ti­re­ment in­creased by al­most 5%

Spain: Pension spending reaches a record €12,828 million in August, up 6.5%

Pensions in Spain.
Pensions in Spain.

The or­di­nary monthly pay­roll for pen­sions in Spain ex­ceeded €12,000 mi­llion for the first time in July 2023 and this month marks a new re­cord again after the in­crease in con­tri­bu­tory pen­sions by 3.8% for 2024.

Of the €12,828 million spent in August on the ordinary payroll of contributory pensions, three quarters (73.1%) went to the payment of retirement pensions, which totalled €9,378.6 million, 6.8% more than in August last year.

At the same time, €2,110.9 million were allocated to widowhood pensions, 5.2% more than a year ago, while €1,133.2 million (+7%) were allocated to permanent disability benefits.

The payment of orphan’s benefits amounted to €171.8 million (+4.8%), and benefits in favor of family members totalled €34.3 million (+7.8%).


In August of this year, 10,208,300 contributory pensions were paid out, almost 1.4% more than a year ago, to more than 9.23 million pensioners, 1.3% more.

Of the total number of pensions, 6.5 million were retirement pensions; 2.4 million were widow’s pensions; 974,169 were permanent disability pensions; 341,987 were orphan’s pensions, and 46,196 were pensions in favour of family members.

Following the increase in pensions in line with the CPI applied since the beginning of the year, the average retirement pension increased in August by almost 5% year-on-year, to €1,444.3 per month.

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