All CCAA show higher prices

Spain: House Prices Rise 1% In May, Surpassing 2007 Crisis Peak

House Prices en Spain.
House Prices en Spain.

CdM | The price of used hou­sing in Spain has re­gis­tered a rise of 1% du­ring the month of May, stan­ding at €2,120/m2. This fi­gure is the re­cord for the price of used hou­sing in Spain, sur­pas­sing the pre­vious re­cord set in June 2007, ac­cor­ding to data com­piled by idea­lista.

By Autonomous Communities, all show higher prices than last month. The Balearic Islands (1.6%) lead the increases, followed by Navarre (1.4%), Andalusia (1.2%), Valencia (1.2%), Madrid (1.1%), Extremadura (1.1%), Catalonia (1.1%) and Galicia (1%).

Below 1% are the increases in the Canary Islands (0.7%), Cantabria (0.5%), Asturias (0.4%), Castilla-La Mancha (0.3%), Aragón (0.2%), Euskadi (0.2%), La Rioja (0.2%), Región de Murcia (0.2%) and Castilla y León (0.1%).

The Balearic Islands, with €4,322/m2 is the most expensive autonomous region, followed by the Community of Madrid (€3,406/m2).

They are followed by the Basque Country (€2,926/m2), the Canary Islands (€2,572/m2) and Catalonia (€2,403/m2). On the opposite side of the table we find Castilla-La Mancha (€936/m2 ), Extremadura (€996/m2 ) and Castilla y León (€1,189/m2), which are the cheapest regions.

The Corner The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.

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