Is the se­cond lar­gest sha­reholder

Norges Bank Increases Its Participation In Repsol’s Capital To 5.41% (+0.88%)

Gas Station, Repsol.
Gas Station, Repsol.

Norges Bank, which ma­nages Norway's so­ve­reign fund, has rein­forced its com­mit­ment to Repsol (REP) and has raised its stake in the energy com­pany's ca­pital to 5.417%, its hig­hest po­si­tion since it joined the com­pany.

Specifically, the firm has increased its participation in Repsol by 0.88% of the capital from 4.535%, which was the last position it had communicated at the beginning of this month. At current market prices, this 5.417% stake of the Norwegian sovereign fund in the oil company amounts to about 905 million euros.

Norges Bank is the second largest shareholder of the group led by Josu Jon Imaz, already very close to the investment firm BlackRock, which owns 5.475%, and ahead of Millennium Group, which recently increased its participation to 2%. Norges Bank eleva su participación en el capital de Repsol hasta el 5,41% (+0,88%)

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