Is Higher Than That Of Treasury Bills

Sánchez’s Return Of 3.5% To Whoever Lends Him Money For July 23 Campaign


The PSOE ac­ti­vated its mi­cro­credit cam­paign on 12 June and by Friday had al­ready re­ceived €2.7 mi­llion. The party has im­proved the con­di­tions it has al­ready of­fered in the past, since, in the two pre­vious cam­paigns for the 2019 ge­neral elec­tions, the in­terest ge­ne­rated was 2% and 2.5% res­pec­ti­vely. The amount raised by the cam­paign for the April 2019 elec­tions was €2,454,200, which was dou­bled for the ge­neral elec­tions on 10 November 2019: €4,722,143.

Each person can contribute between €200 and €10,000, with a maximum of €10,000 for each electoral process, according to the PSOE. The Socialist Party leadership aspires to continue increasing its fundraising, in order to cover part of the budget approved by the Federal Committee for the 23-J election campaign, which amounted to €17.6 million.

Sumar, the project headed by Yolanda Díaz, also uses this system, but with a slightly lower annual remuneration than that of the socialists, 3.25 per cent.

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